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Women with Stinging... | Carmen Leigh Keates

The language is snowy

and lightly pummeling. You are meant

not to understand. It is not your language. It is

the transition zone’s signals, the gate’s signals.

Behind the night worries there is a Finnish ghost

over you like a bended tree. That is the thing

trying to pry away those bleak, other hands—

this is the great altercation making you

turn from side to side.

What is present is the field

– for you, it is in Finland –

that becomes magnetic

at the moment of its invocation.

Before then, it is passive. The gate

is between any two trees in Finland.

When you walk through it will activate.

Carmen Leigh Keates won the 2015 Whitmore Press manuscript prize, leading to the publication of her debut poetry collection, the cinema-themed Meteorites, which was then shortlisted for the 2017 QLD Literary Awards. Carmen is co-editor of Foam:e online poetry journal.

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